Conscious physical education:
mindfulness in the school
Mindfulness; Physical Education; School; Integral Development.Abstract
This research aims to generate a first approach in Uruguay regarding the introduction of mindfulness
(MF) in school physical education (EFE). On the one hand, data from scientific research and pertinent
bibliography regarding MF programs and their benefits in primary education were analyzed; and
on the other hand, the knowledge and possible applications of the MF in the EFE in the department
of Maldonado, collecting data through an interview-survey of 30 teachers. 20% knew the concept
of MF, 10% of EFE teachers applied the MF in their classes, 80% of teachers who did not know the
MF perceive their application in the EFE as possible, and all of the EFE teachers use at least four of
the six techniques established in the survey that could be applied by the MF. In conclusion, the MF
is seen as a possible and promising method to be applied in the EFE, although there is a need for
research on its application and benefits in the EFE in the department of Maldonado.
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