Assessment of the physical condition of highschool students in Practicum 2 of the IUACJ


  • Gastón Gioscia IUACJ
  • Santiago Beretervide IUACJ
  • Gustavo Bermúdez IUACJ
  • Diego Quagliatta IUACJ


Adolescent, fitness, cardiovascular risk


Physical Fitness (PF) and its implication on health levels has been described in numerous scientific papers. So far there have been no such studies in adolescents in Uruguay. However, this has happened in other countries with populations similar to ours. In order to provide a first approach to the subject, the battery ALPHA was applied to assess and determine the physical condition of high school students involved in the Practicum 2 course in the Bachelor of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of IUACJ. The sample consisted of 168 adolescents (80 females and 88 males) between 12 and 16 years old. The following variables were analyzed, 1) anthropometric: weight, height and waist circumference; 2) skeletal muscle ability: long jump test and isometric handgrip; 3) motor skills: test speed / agility (4 x 10m); 4) aerobic power: 20 m Course - Navette test. The observed results showed the strength and speed levels were higher in men and that differences regarding women were increased according to age. The middle body mass index (BMI) was 21,3 kg/m2, the percentage of overweight adolescents 19% and 6% was obese. A 43,7% of the assessed adolescents have an aerobic capacity indicative of future cardiovascular risk (RCVF). In conclusion, the observed results showed that the study population has a higher RCVF that evidenced in european studies (40,6%) and lower than seen in regional baseline studies (49,1%). Specifically analyzing the group of males, 5 out of 10 have RCVF and outcomes are worse in relation to both these studies.

Author Biographies

Gastón Gioscia, IUACJ

Doctor of Medicine specializing in Sports Medicine (UDELAR), Professor of Physical Education (ISEF). Academic Coordinator of the Biological Area (IUACJ).

Santiago Beretervide, IUACJ

Doctor of Medicine specializing in Sports Medicine (UDELAR), Academic Coordinator of the Biological Area (IUACJ) Professor of Exercise Physiology (IUACJ).

Gustavo Bermúdez, IUACJ

Degree in Clinical Neurophysiology (UDELAR), Professor of Biomechanics (IUACJ).

Diego Quagliatta, IUACJ

Professor of Physical Education (ISEF), Postgraduate in Physical Preparation (ISEF), Functional Evaluation Teacher (IUACJ).


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How to Cite

Gioscia, G., Beretervide, S., Bermúdez, G., & Quagliatta, D. (2016). Assessment of the physical condition of highschool students in Practicum 2 of the IUACJ. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, 8(8), 31–38. Retrieved from



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