Effectiveness defensive system in the Playoffs of the Uruguayan Basketball League 2012-2013


  • Andrés González Ramírez IUACJ
  • Germán Fernández IUACJ


basketball, efficacy, defense, defensive rebound


The aim of this research was to analyse defensive systems efficacy in the playoffs of the Uruguayan basketball league in 2013. Following the guidelines of the observational methodology, an “ad hoc” observation tool was developed to register the actions. It was made tests of agreement intra and inter observer to ensure data quality. The randomly selected sample consists of 22 of the 31 matches played in the playoffs phase. The main results include the use of individual defense and the high level of defensive efficacy. It was not found significant differences between winners and losers on defensive rebounds. It is concluded that defensive performance was good but defensive rebounds should improvement.

Author Biographies

Andrés González Ramírez, IUACJ

Ph.D. In Science of Physical Activity and Sport. Professor University Institute Christian Youth Association. Responsible for the Research Group "sports training and performance" (EDREN)

Germán Fernández, IUACJ

Degree in physical education. Basketball coach in the Uruguayan Basketball League. University Institute Christian Youth Association. EDREN Group.


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How to Cite

González Ramírez, A., & Fernández, G. (2016). Effectiveness defensive system in the Playoffs of the Uruguayan Basketball League 2012-2013. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, 8(8), 23–30. Retrieved from



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