Evaluation of physical fitness in older adults: an unavoidable challenge for society that focuses on quality of life


  • Fabián Boyaro IUACJ
  • Ariel Tió IUACJ


elderly, fitness, quality of life, senior fitness, test


The regular practice of physical exercise has amply corroborated its benefits in the quality of life of the elderly. Everyday activities such as dressing, getting up from a chair or climbing stairs require a degree of functional independence that is only possible when individuals present an acceptable physical condition. The determination of the efficiency of the different motor skills becomes then a necessity, as it allows the establishment of the exercise programs most appropriate for older adults and it aids in the comprehension of the level of relationship with the quality of life demonstrated. The verification of the physical conditioning of this sector of the population is carried out through an internationally validated and reliable test, adapted to the possibilities of the elderly, as is the Senior Fitness Test.

Author Biographies

Fabián Boyaro, IUACJ

Master in Physical Activity: Sports Management and Training. Professor of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of the IUACJ. Uruguay. Contact: profeboyaro@yahoo.com

Ariel Tió, IUACJ

Post-graduate in Physical Education and School Sports. Director of the Sports Technical Course of the IUACJ. Uruguay. Contact: atio@iuacj.edu.uy


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How to Cite

Boyaro, F., & Tió, A. (2015). Evaluation of physical fitness in older adults: an unavoidable challenge for society that focuses on quality of life. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (7), 6–16. Retrieved from



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