Boarding in the area of the physical education of the child with cerebral paralysis: a study of cases in five institutions of the city of Montevideo


  • Vanessa Franco IUACJ
  • Sofía Rubinstein IUACJ


physical education, disability, cerebral palsy. Medical and social model


This article aims to analyze the proposals implemented by physical education teachers who work with children with cerebral palsy in five institutions in the city of Montevideo , as well as goals that teachers have in the classroom , conceptions of disability and paradigms that underlie their practice. The data collection techniques used were not structured interview guidelines for teachers who work with the aforementioned population and observation by patterns of the activities performed by children with cerebral palsy in physical education classes . The conclusions of the research are of paramount importance to the work of teaching physical education that develops in this area , allowing among other results, noting that both the social and the medical paradigm are present in physical education classes.

Author Biographies

Vanessa Franco, IUACJ

Graduated in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IUACJ). Professor of Biology (IPA). Effective teacher in primary and secondary.

Sofía Rubinstein, IUACJ

Graduated in Physical Education by ISEF - UdelaR. Mag. In Sciences of the Human Movement by UFRGS - Porto Alegre. Coordinator of the Research Area of the IUACJ.


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How to Cite

Franco, V., & Rubinstein, S. (2015). Boarding in the area of the physical education of the child with cerebral paralysis: a study of cases in five institutions of the city of Montevideo. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (6), 77–85. Retrieved from



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