Body education and history in Uruguay (1897-1917)


  • Gianfranco Ruggiano ISEF - UdelaR


body, biopolitics, bodies, education, history


If it’s true that is in the bodies were is deployed the (bio)politics that characterize our occidental modern societies, it’s also true that this general process escapes to rigid institutional inscriptions. In this essay I try to establish the teorical- methodological bases which allow me to present the following questions: which where the conditions of possibility for the bodies to become educative intervention objects? Related to which general process of transformation of the Uruguayan ‘900 society can be understood the consolidation of certain mechanisms of intervention and organization of lives that took bodies as their main object?

Author Biography

Gianfranco Ruggiano, ISEF - UdelaR

Graduated in Physical Education by ISEF-UdelaR. Master's Degree in Education from UNICAMP, Brazil. Teacher of Physical Education and Body Practices Department of ISEF-UdelaR. Member of the Group Educational Policies and Research Policies (GPEPI).


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How to Cite

Ruggiano, G. (2015). Body education and history in Uruguay (1897-1917). Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (6), 68–76. Retrieved from



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