Physical education as a field of knowledge: effects in the curricular design in higher education


  • Jorge Botejara IUACJ
  • Patricia Meringolo IUACJ


physical education, sport, science


In contemporary society in which change is the most distinctive feature, and from which physical education can not isolated, discussion between actors about what is it, and if it is a science or not, keeps full validity. Sports impact in our society is evident, but, does physical education find legitimacy in it, or transcend by itself? Higher education designs, show this problem?

Author Biographies

Jorge Botejara, IUACJ

Professor of Physical Education (ISEF). Postgraduate in physical preparation and Sports Technician in Handball (ISEF). Professor degree 4 of the Chair of Sociomotrices Sports (IUACJ).

Patricia Meringolo, IUACJ

Physical Education Teacher (ISEF). Lecturer degree 4 of the Practicum Chair (IUACJ).


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How to Cite

Botejara, J., & Meringolo, P. (2015). Physical education as a field of knowledge: effects in the curricular design in higher education. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (6), 62–67. Retrieved from



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