Isquiosural flexibility in soccer players: a study performed in uruguayan football younger divisions


  • Martín Olascoaga Marella IUACJ
  • Darío Santos HC-UdelaR.
  • Gustavo Bermúdez IUACJ.


flexibility, hamstrings, football (soccer) players, raised leg test, photogrammetry


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the flexibility of the hamstring in five different football clubs that belong to the younger divisions of the Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol. 124 football players were studied (aged 18+/- 1.2 years) using the photogrammetry to determine the degrees of flexibility on the raised leg test. Statistically significant differences were found according to the clubs studied (ANOVA p=0,001). The results showed that two of the clubs presented low hamstring flexibility while the other three presented moderate flexibility.

Author Biographies

Martín Olascoaga Marella, IUACJ

Bachelor in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IUACJ).

Darío Santos, HC-UdelaR.

Degree in Physiotherapy (UdelaR) Adjunct Professor of Clinical Biomechanics; HC - UdelaR.

Gustavo Bermúdez, IUACJ.

Bachelor in Clinical Neurophysiology Teaching biomechanics (IUACJ).


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How to Cite

Olascoaga Marella, M., Santos, D., & Bermúdez, G. (2015). Isquiosural flexibility in soccer players: a study performed in uruguayan football younger divisions. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (6), 55–61. Retrieved from



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