The preparation of physical education directors in the foundational stage of the South American Y.M.C.A. college


  • Gabriela Cabrera IUACJ
  • Mercedes Couchet IUACJ
  • Paola Dogliotti IUACJ
  • Paula Malan IUACJ


discourses, profession, ethos, protestant religion, physical education


This article shows the main results of the research carried out at the IUACJ, named “The preparation of the secretaries and directors of the Y.M.C.A. College of the South American Federation (1922 – 1950) and its influence on the origin of the PE in Uruguay. Among these outstands the great influence that the ACJ had on the discourses and on the process of institutionalization of the physical education in Uruguay, mainly through the figure of Jess T. Hopkins.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Cabrera, IUACJ

Degree in Library Science. Magister in Digital Documentation (CLAEH - Montpellier University - France). Lecturer at the Research Area of the IUACJ. Director of the Library Claudio Williman of the Faculty of Physical Education of the IUACJ.

Mercedes Couchet, IUACJ

Degree in Education Sciences by UdelaR. Lecturer at the Research Area of the IUACJ. Master's Degree in Human Sciences Language, Culture and Society, FHCE-UdelaR.

Paola Dogliotti, IUACJ

Magister in Teaching University (UdelaR). Lecturer at the Research Area of the IUACJ. Director of the Department of EF and Body Practices of the ISEF (UdelaR) and Assistant Professor of the Department of Teaching and Learning of the Institute of Education of the FHCE (UdelaR), Uruguay.

Paula Malan, IUACJ

Graduated in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IUACJ). Master's Degree in Body Education (UNLP). Lecturer in the Research Area and assistant professor in the subject Body Expression of the IUACJ.


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How to Cite

Cabrera, G., Couchet, M., Dogliotti, P., & Malan, P. (2015). The preparation of physical education directors in the foundational stage of the South American Y.M.C.A. college. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (6), 43–54. Retrieved from



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