Analysis of the completion of the possession of the ball in handball. Study of the men´s world championship 2011


  • Jorge Botejara IUACJ
  • Leonardo Puñales IUACJ
  • Andrés González IUACJ
  • Eduardo Ruy López IUACJ
  • Alejandro Trejo IUACJ


handball, effectiveness, ball possession, match - final moments


The effectiveness of the actions at the final moments of games, when the result is even, determines the chance to win the match. At these moments game conditions are specially compromised by their relevance. In the present study the ten final minutes of thirteen parties of the Masculine World-wide Championship of Sweden 2011 were analyzed, in which the final marker was even (± 3 goals). The investigation guidelines were followed according with the observational methodology. It emphasizes that the winning teams had a higher efficacy in several aspects, specially in the launch.

Author Biographies

Jorge Botejara, IUACJ

Professor of the Chair of Handball of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport of the University Institute Christian Youth Association (IUACJ).

Leonardo Puñales, IUACJ

Professor of the Chair of Handball of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport of the University Institute Christian Youth Association (IUACJ).

Andrés González, IUACJ

Professor of the Chair of Handball of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport of the University Institute Christian Youth Association (IUACJ).

Eduardo Ruy López, IUACJ

Professor of the Chair of Handball of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport of the University Institute Christian Youth Association (IUACJ).

Alejandro Trejo, IUACJ

Professor of the Chair of Handball of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport of the University Institute Christian Youth Association (IUACJ).


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How to Cite

Botejara, J., Puñales, L., González, A., Ruy López, E., & Trejo, A. (2015). Analysis of the completion of the possession of the ball in handball. Study of the men´s world championship 2011. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (5), 6–14. Retrieved from



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