An analysis of motor communication networks through the study of ball passes between the players of the uruguayan football team


  • Omar Álvarez Celaya IUACJ


football, motor communication, observational methodology, uruguayan selection, world cup sudáfrica 2010


For this investigation the motor communication networks between players of the Uruguayan football team, within the scope of the matches played in the South African World Cup of 2010, were analyzed. Ball passing between the players was taken as the element of communication and from there all the network mappings (graphically represented) were made. The myriad of lines, determined by the passes between players, is what we refer to as motor communication network. This form of communication is defined by Parlebas (2001, p. 81) as the "essential and direct cooperative motor interaction". A coding manual was created for this study, which describes the actions that are possible to accomplish in football; and, through observational methodology, all seven matches played by the team in the world cup were analyzed. The results show that the motor communication networks between the players of the Uruguayan football team were integrated, dense, and lacking any structural gaps.

Author Biography

Omar Álvarez Celaya, IUACJ

Bachelor in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IUACJ). Professor of Physical Education at the YMCA.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Celaya, O. (2015). An analysis of motor communication networks through the study of ball passes between the players of the uruguayan football team. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (5), 56–61. Retrieved from



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