Improve the accuracy in the free throw line after skill development
basket, free shot, shooting techinque, accuracy (eficciency)Abstract
The following investigation has as an aim to analyze the influence that the foul shot technique has on its effectiveness. It was carried out through the application of a technical intervention, in which mechanical errors in the shooting are corrected - after being observed in an analyzing-video - in order to improve the efficiency of the shot. The universe of work is composed of eight born between 1994 and 1995 from the Series 1 of Club Malvín in Montevideo, Uruguay, competing in this country´s Federal Championship. These players are separated in two groups: one of control and the other of judgment. For this, two objectives are set: to define the individual level of foul shot efficiency each player has, and determine the variation of this level when the mentioned technical intervention is applied. The main result obtained is that the perfection of the shooting technique clearly shows positive effects on its efficiency, with significantly better percentages of scored shots.References
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