The approach of health in physical education, its integral conceptualization and the benefits of exercise in healthy body


  • Luis Marcel Valenzuela Contreras Catholic University Silva Henríquez - Chile


health, physical education


The present article refers to the connection between health and physical education, especially with the emergence of non-communicable diseases that are currently associated with physical education, such as, strokes due to sedentary lifestyle, obesity, use of tobacco and lack of physical activity. Another aspect to be treated in this approach is the link throughthe definitions and terms, even though this may lead to dealing with a complex terminology and difficult argumentation. The article concludes with the presentation of the benefits provided by exercising the body.

Author Biography

Luis Marcel Valenzuela Contreras, Catholic University Silva Henríquez - Chile

Professor of Physical Education at the University of Chile. PhD in Physical Activity and Sports Science from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain. Professor of Catholic University Silva Henríquez - Chile School of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela Contreras, L. M. (2015). The approach of health in physical education, its integral conceptualization and the benefits of exercise in healthy body. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (4), 20–27. Retrieved from



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