Heritability in the sport sciences: understandings and misunderstandings


  • Carlos Magallanes ISEF - UdelaR


heritability, genetics of physical activity, genetics of physical performance, genetic of fitness


Heritability is a statistical population parameter which allows us to know the proportion of phenotypic variation in a population that is attributable to genetic variation between individuals. It always refers to a specific phenotypic trait in a given population at a given time. Because of the importance heritability has to the research in genetics – including the one related to fitness and physical activity – and due to the permanent confusion the interpretation of this parameter generates, our purpose is to clarify its concept, limitations and frequent misunderstandings.

Author Biography

Carlos Magallanes, ISEF - UdelaR

Professor of Physical Education by the Higher Institute of Physical Education - ISEF. PhD in Physical Education from the University of Gama Filho - UFG (Brazil). Visiting Professor in the Department of Sports Medicine at the University of Mainz - Germany.



How to Cite

Magallanes, C. (2015). Heritability in the sport sciences: understandings and misunderstandings. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (4), 13–19. Retrieved from



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