Approaches and models of recreation in Uruguay


  • Ricardo Lema IUACJ


recreation, leisure, education


Recreation as an organized action arises in the context of the development of physical education. However, recreation has followed a different path in Uruguay constituting a specific area in the world of Education. This article discusses the evolution of recreation from an hygienism, originally from the beginnings of modern physical education, to an educational approach positioned as education in and for leisure. It is from this approach that this article will look for the confluence of two models of recreational education. Both of them with a strong influence in Latin America: the perspective of human development and the discourse about freedom in everyone’s time.

Author Biography

Ricardo Lema, IUACJ

Graduated in Social Communication, with Postgraduate in Education in values by the Catholic University of Uruguay (UCU). Candidate for Doctor in Leisure and Human Potential by the University of Deusto (Spain). Teacher in the Degree in Education, with emphasis in Recreation and Leisure Time (UCU), in the Degree in Tourism Business Management (UCU) and in the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IUACJ). Director of Sports and Recreation at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay and consultant in Organizational Recreation.


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How to Cite

Lema, R. (2015). Approaches and models of recreation in Uruguay. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (3), 85–95. Retrieved from



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