The body in the Physical Education sillabi of the Basic Cycle of Secondary Education (1993-2006)


  • Paola Dogliotti IUACJ


physical education, basic secondary school, curriculums, body


In this paper we make an inquiry about the different discourses in relation to the body underlying the Physical Education sillabi in the Basic Cycle of Secondary Education (1993-2006). There are more continuities than breaks in the discourses on the body, primarily focused on knowledge from the medical field. In the early twenty-first century, Physical Education needs to be validated not from their disciplinary logic but from a host of moral and instrumental accessories that turn it into a technology. A physicological discourse underlies all the curriculum; in this sense, there is not much difference from the others subjects in the curriculum.

Author Biography

Paola Dogliotti, IUACJ

Professor of Physical Education, Bachelor in Education Sciences, Postgraduate in Curriculum and Master of Teaching in University Education of the UdelaR. Member of the research line: "Educational policies, curriculum and teaching" of the Department of Education and Learning of the FHCE-UdelaR; In charge of the research line "Educational Policies, Body and Curriculum" of the ISEF-UdelaR Research Department.


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How to Cite

Dogliotti, P. (2015). The body in the Physical Education sillabi of the Basic Cycle of Secondary Education (1993-2006). Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (3), 68–76. Retrieved from



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