What sports at School?


  • Isabel Pastorino IUACJ
  • Mariana Sarni Muñiz ISEF


physical education, school, sport at school


It is our aim to present an approach with regards to sport at school – a way of teaching sport – that proposes it as a pedagogical and exceptional curricular opportunity for the construction of the citizenship. We will give our work on this issue an exclusively didactic aspect, which might not impede any other dimension from being considered as well The question is: If sport should not be part of the school programme, based on a socially significant content, where should it be taught? Who would, then, provides the possible alternatives which propose rethinking the teaching of sports at school within merely repetitive rutinary patterns, developing an alternative way?

Author Biographies

Isabel Pastorino, IUACJ

Physical Education Teacher (ISEF). Master's Degree in University Education (UdelaR).

Mariana Sarni Muñiz, ISEF

Professor of Physical Education (ISEF), Master in Education (UCU).


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How to Cite

Pastorino, I., & Sarni Muñiz, M. (2015). What sports at School?. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (3), 41–48. Retrieved from



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