Educational practices denaturalization in order to ensure the professional development of the teachers association


  • Daniel Macías Britos IUACJ


university education, teacher's professionalization, denaturalization, professional development


This essay arises from the analysis and reflection about teachers formation, the job of teaching in university education and from some factors, tendencies and general problems that affects teachers professionalization and training in times of social changing, whether in a philosophical or a epistemological expression, intending to put the topic in the discussion´s agenda, trying to create spaces that helps improving teachers association´s professional development. We must ask ourselves frequently one question: Who educates the educators? In order to promote teacher´s educational practices denaturalization, strategies must be thought at an institutional level, aiming to identify their strengths and weaknesses, with the obvious necessity of finding the paths to overcome them, and to create a constant improvement in professional development, not only at an individual level but also at an institutional level.

Author Biography

Daniel Macías Britos, IUACJ

Professor of Physical Education (ISEF), studying the Master's Degree in Education (UCUDAL). Postgraduate in Management of Educational Centers (UCUDAL); Postgraduate in Management of Sports Centers and Educational Institutions (ISEF); Specialized in Physical Training National University of Cordoba); Postgraduate in Physical Education (ISEF). Teacher of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports since 2001 and Academic Director of the Technique in Fitness of the Faculty of Physical Education of the IUACJ since 2006.


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How to Cite

Macías Britos, D. (2015). Educational practices denaturalization in order to ensure the professional development of the teachers association. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (3), 26–32. Retrieved from



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