Impact of physical activity on bone structure


  • Cecilia Del Campo IUACJ


bone, physical activity, adaptation, osteoporosis


Bone is a dynamic structure constantly adapting to spare mechanical and endocrine-metabolic conditions of the body. Physical activity is a tool of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of osteoporosis, metabolic disease of great prevalence in Uruguay. The relationship between physical activity and properties that determine bone strength and endurance of it has been amply demonstrated, as well as charges which should include exercise plan according to the individual and objective. This article attempts, to examine the processes within the bone and the body that determine the adaptations to exercise.

Author Biography

Cecilia Del Campo, IUACJ

Medical specialist in Sports Medicine. Former Assistant Professor of Sports Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine - UDELAR. Coordinator of the biological area of the Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of the IUACJ.


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How to Cite

Del Campo, C. (2015). Impact of physical activity on bone structure. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (3), 18–25. Retrieved from



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