Run homo sapiens, run! evolution, body design and endurance running


  • Andrés Parodi Feye Instituto Superior de Educación Física (ISEF), Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Carlos Magallanes Mira Instituto Superior de Educación Física (ISEF), Universidad de la República, Uruguay


Endurance running, Body design, Human evolution


During its evolution, the genus Homo needed to use a variety of motor gestures to survive. However, we humans are not particularly agile, strong or fast. On the contrary,
our bodies have adaptations that lead authors to hypothesize that we evolved as endurance runners. This, together with the incorporation of a higher quality diet, would
be the main determinants of our survival as a species. This paper describes the anatomical particularities present in Homo sapiens that support this hypothesis. We conclude with some reflections on the evolutionary perspective and the challenge posed by chronic diseases today.


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How to Cite

Parodi Feye, A., & Magallanes Mira, C. (2022). Run homo sapiens, run! evolution, body design and endurance running . Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, 15(1). Retrieved from



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