Relationship between BMI, motor and cognitive functions in school children


  • María Eugenia Duarte Canepa Investigadora independiente
  • Manuel González Harcevnicow Investigador independiente


Obesity, Overweight, March, Cognitive functions, Executive functions


The study analyzed the relationship between BMI, cognitive and motor functions in schoolchildren. 81 school children participated (F = 35 and M = 46), 48 from Sauce and 33 from Paso Carrasco (Canelones, Uruguay). The 10-meter test was used to analyze the gait. For cognitive functions, the Trails A and B and Tower of London Test were carried out. For BMI, the cut-off points established by the WHO were taken. Comparisons were made by center, sex and BMI. The results were uneven, although in terms of cognitive flexibility, planning, problem solving, speed and coefficient of variability of the gait, the normal weight group was better than the obesity group.


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How to Cite

Duarte Canepa, M. E., & González Harcevnicow, M. (2021). Relationship between BMI, motor and cognitive functions in school children. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, 14(2). Retrieved from



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