Analysis of the intervening physical demands in a small-sided game for football players
Soccer, Small-sided games, Distance covered, High intensity, High intensity quality, Maximum actions, Player Load, RHIEAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the physical response obtained from a small-sided game with soccer players at different stages of development. A total of 18 players participated in the pro-posal, subdivided into three independent groups, differentiated by their age and division in which they play (14.4 ± 0.2; 16.3 ± 0.2 and 21.0 ± 1 years). All performed 4 sets of 3 min of a 3 vs. 3 game, with a fixed relative field size of 174 m2 per individual. The activity profile was measured through a global positioning system (GPS) from which variables such as Distance covered, High in-tensity, High intensity quality, Maximum actions, Player load and RHIE were obtained. An ANOVA analysis and a Post-Hoc test were used to describe that certain physical variables were accentuated in older players with sports experience; likewise, others were substantially affected, more due to aspects of the task than to the physical condition of the athletes. The results suggest that soccer coaches should consider the age and experience of the soccer players when selecting tasks in the format of small-sided games and, according to their profile, prioritize the most relevant indicators for them.
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