The meaning of sport content in the primary education program (Uruguay)


  • Mariana Sarni ISEF-UdelaR
  • José L. Corbo ISEF-UdelaR


Physical education, Sport, Curriculum,, Emancipatory interest


The article essays a theoretical critique of the current Early and Primary Education Program for the uruguayan school. First, it reviews the content of the general components of all the areas of the design, stopping then at the specific one of the Area of Body Knowledge - Physical Education, particularly in the treatment of the sport content. Its main conceptualizations are compiled and analyzed in order to identify internal contradictions. It is concluded that its dissonances alter the coherence of the global structure of the document, which affects the pedagogical interests to which its contents respond with their consequences in the national educational political project.


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How to Cite

Sarni, M., & Corbo, J. L. (2021). The meaning of sport content in the primary education program (Uruguay). Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, 14(1). Retrieved from



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