Analysis of the prevalence of overweight, abdominal obesity and excess body fat in associationist de Sorocaba (SP), Brazil - VFR-YMCA study


  • Valter Silva FEFISO
  • Patricia Berbel Leme de Almeida FEFISO


obesity, operational definitions, YMCA, Young Men’s Christian Association


The aim was this studied analysis the prevalence of overweight, abdominal obesity and the excessive fatness relating to the body mass of the members of YMCA from Sorocaba (SP), Brazil. The sample consisted of 648 subjects, of which were 341 female and 307 male, with the age to 10 between 87 years old. The prevalence overweight was 37.8% (IC95% = 34.1 – 41.6). The prevalence abdominal obesity was 28.1% (IC95% = 24.7 – 31.6). The prevalence excessive fatness relating to the body mass was 71.6% (IC95% = 68.0 – 75.0). Considering the prevalence observed, interventionist actions must be taken with the aim of conserving and improve the state of health of the individual and collective of the members of YMCA.

Author Biographies

Valter Silva, FEFISO

Faculty of Physical Education of the Sorocaba Young Men's Christian Association - FEFISO, Brazil.

Patricia Berbel Leme de Almeida, FEFISO

Faculty of Physical Education of the Sorocaba Young Men's Christian Association - FEFISO, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Silva, V., & Leme de Almeida, P. B. (2015). Analysis of the prevalence of overweight, abdominal obesity and excess body fat in associationist de Sorocaba (SP), Brazil - VFR-YMCA study. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (2), 47–54. Retrieved from



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