Conceptos básicos de biomecánica del voleibol

Saque y ataque




Volleyball, Biomechanics, Kinetic, Kinematic, Attack, Serve


The study on the biomechanics of volleyball skills is important for the coach to understand the kinematic and kinetic responses of these sports techniques. The objective of the review was to present the biomechanics research on volleyball serve and attack. Jump serve and attack have similar phases during their execution (approach, take-off, flight, and land). In this review, the kinematic and kinetic aspects of these phases of the jump serve and of the attack were presented. In conclusion, biomechanics deserves to be used during the training sessions with the objective of causing an increase in the execution of the jump serve and of the attack.

Author Biography

Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior, Investigador independiente

Work as a personal trainer and study several sports, but the focus of my studies is on volleyball, karate and others. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Sports Observatory Magazine (University of Los Lagos, Santiago Campus, Chile) Available at


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How to Cite

Kautzner Marques Junior, N. (2019). Conceptos básicos de biomecánica del voleibol: Saque y ataque. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (12), 28–40.



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