The training of Sports Technicians in Uruguay: an approach from the analysis of stakeholders


  • Dante Steffano IUACJ


Uruguay, coach, stakeholder, regulation


The intention of establishing a regulation for the duties and role of Coaches in Uruguay, has generated some uncertainty about the way that it would be resolved. This clearly show that our sport system is a complex system of power. In response to this situation the stakeholders are planning some strategies in order to solve this new situation. The aim of this investigation is to identify the main stakeholders involved in the training and formation of coaches in Uruguay. In adition to this, our intention is to know the messures that the stakeholders would take, and what will be their actitude towars the formal proposal of establishing a regulation for the coach degree.


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How to Cite

Steffano, D. (2015). The training of Sports Technicians in Uruguay: an approach from the analysis of stakeholders. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (2), 19–27. Retrieved from



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