
  • Carlo Massimo Biancardi CENUR Litoral Norte - Sede Paysandú. Universidad de la República http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5566-3958
  • Andrés Martínez CENUR Litoral Norte - Sede Paysandú. Universidad de la República
  • Andrea Mesa CENUR Litoral Norte - Sede Paysandú. Universidad de la República
  • Valentina Norbis CENUR Litoral Norte - Sede Paysandú. Universidad de la República.
  • Mariana Carriquiry Facultad de Medicina - Universidad de la República.
  • Germán Pequera CENUR Litoral Norte - Sede Paysandú. Universidad de la República




Dinghy sailing; Roll taking; Electromyography; Training.


A pilot study has been carried out, on the muscular groups involved in roll tacking, in two optimist dinghy sailors of different age and experience. The purpose was to elaborate suggestions for a training plan. Trials have been carried out in a swimming pool, where it was possible to measure the activation of seven muscles during the entire maneuver, by means of electromyographic technique. It has been possible to describe different temporal patterns and activation peaks. Patterns were affected by the subject age and by the wind conditions. We suggested that training should be focused to prevent possible lumbar injuries and help them in their technique.


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How to Cite

Biancardi, C. M., Martínez, A., Mesa, A., Norbis, V., Carriquiry, M., & Pequera, G. (2018). ELECTROMYOGRAPHIC PATTERNS OF TACKING MANEUVER IN "OPTIMIST" CLASS SAILORS. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (11), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.28997/ruefd.v0i11.5



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