
  • Lucía Martínez Instituto Universitario Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes
  • María Traversa CIET. Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Viviana Moreno CIET. Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Andrew Springer Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health in Austin, Texas.
  • Melissa Harrel Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health in Austin, Austin, Texas



Adolescents; Physical condition; Obesity; Future cardiovascular risk., adolescents, physical condition, obesity, future cardiovascular risk


 Objective: Activate Ya is a health promotion program that aims to prevention tobacco use and promote physical activity in adolescents at the secondary school level in Uruguay. This qualitative study explores the perceptions of the mode of delivery of the program and student participation, and the impact in knowledge and attitudes about physical activity and tobacco, according to the perspective of those participating in Activate Ya. Method: At the end of Activate Ya, focus groups were conducted in 8 schools with 50 students from 1 year of Ciclo Basico. In exploring themes from the focus groups, content analysis was applied that consisted in three reviewers: transcribing the recorded interviews from the focus groups, reviewing the transcriptions to assign codes for exploring themes, and comparing and confirming codes and themes identified. Findings: The principal themes identified through the focus groups were: active role and mode of participation of the student, key concepts of impact of Activate Ya (tobacco and physical activity), key concepts of healthy lifestyle, perceived benefits of the program, and aspects of the program that could be improved. Conclusion: Students expressed positive attitudes toward the mode of delivery of the intervention. The themes identified by the students demonstrated that the integration of this type of themes through group dynamics during curricular classes/spaces offers a promising strategy for the promotion of health of students at the secondary school level. The time of the intervention should be greater than 4 months, and if possible, through the entire school year. This study suggests that games, group dynamics, and physical activity are important tools for learning as well as the retention of key information for the health of adolescents.

Author Biography

Andrew Springer, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health in Austin, Texas.


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How to Cite

Martínez, L., Traversa, M., Moreno, V., Springer, A., & Harrel, M. (2018). PERCEPTIONS OF URUGUAYAN ADOLESCENTS ON A PROGRAM TO PREVENT TOBACCO CONSUMPTION AND PROMOTION OF PHYSICAL. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, (11), 8–17.



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