Acute effects of improvement hamstring flexibility by working with whole body vibration


  • Ana Inés Campoamor Schunk


vibration mechanics, flexibility, hamstring, training, acute effects


Introduction: mechanical vibrations are a training method that is on rise in these times providing benefits to different body systems. Objectives: the present study seeks to observe the acute effects of a full body program with WBV on vibration plate on the capacity of hamstring flexibility in young adults. methods: 21 subjects from the general population, aged between 25-35 years, participated in this study voluntarily. They were randomly assigned to an experimental group (GE1: N=7 or GE2: N=7) or in a control group (GC: N=7). All were a workout that consisted of 5 series of exercises of 45 seconds on a vibrating platform: the GE1 used F=25 Hz and A=2 mm, the GE2 used F=45 Hz and A=2 mm while the GC conducted exercises on the platform but without WBV. To assess the flexibility of hamstrings the active knee extension test was done before and after the intervention. Results: The acute effects of whole body vibration showed a significant increase in hamstring flexibility being observed in GE1 (+7,41º) and GE2 (+9,57º) greater gains compared to GC (+2,28º; p<0.05). Such results lasted longer in GE1 y GE2 than in subjects who trained without vibration. Conclusions: A short training program with whole body vibration (25/45 Hz; 2 mm) improves hamstrings flexibility in young adults in the general population.

Author Biography

Ana Inés Campoamor Schunk

Degree in Physical Education (ISEF). Master in Sports Performance, Tecnification and High Level (RETAN). University of Barcelona, ​​Spain.


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How to Cite

Campoamor Schunk, A. I. (2016). Acute effects of improvement hamstring flexibility by working with whole body vibration. Revista Universitaria De La Educación Física Y El Deporte, 9(9), 42–49. Retrieved from



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