About the Journal


The "University Journal of Physical Education and Sports" of the Instituto Universitario Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes - IUACJ, is intended to disseminate topics of national and international interest (not published in Uruguay), which contribute to the development of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation and areas linked to the Human Movement.

Focus and Scope

Articles of publication in this Journal are:
(A) original investigation reports;
B) theoretical tests;
C) critical review of publications in the area;
D) reports of professional experiences;
E) analysis of topics of interest to the community;
F) book reviews and published editorials.

Peer Review Process

The original and unpublished articles sent to the University Journal of Physical Education and Sport will be evaluated by two members of the Editorial Board through a blind system, which may make use of Consultants at its discretion during the arbitration process of the materials Contributed. Authors will be notified of acceptance, acceptance with corrections and non-acceptance of their work; Works not accepted will not be returned. The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce minor modifications to the originals, respecting the style and opinion of the author (s). Where the Council considers it necessary to make substantial changes in the work, the author (s) will be notified and responsible for doing so, returning the recast work within a maximum period of 15 days.

Publication Frequency

Publication of annual periodicity.

Open Access Policy

The articles should be sent in Word format by email to revista@iuacj.edu.uy, confirming the reception of the article as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of articles is the last business day of April.

1. Formal Structure of the Document For drafting, 1.5 spacing, single-sided, justified margin, letter type Arial, size 11 or Times New Roman, size 12, should not exceed 30,000 characters (with spaces).
The titles of the article must be with a capital letter with the same font size as the rest of the text. Main titles of the document, Lowercase letter, and minor titles, lowercase letter and underline. Illustrations (photographs, designs, graphics) should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and be cited as a figure, including underneath the corresponding legend. In addition they must be made in black and white to allow a perfect reproduction. The tables must be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals and the legend should be at the top. Both in the illustrations and in the tables, the source and the year will be quoted, if applicable, underneath it. In the event that the article is approved, the author (s) will be asked to send the illustrations and tables in separate files of the original article.

1. Papers may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English and must contain: Title that identifies the content (No more than twelve words). To avoid mistakes we remember that titles and subtitles do not must end with an end point.
2. Full name of the author (s) (affiliation and identification data: academic title of the author (s), university to which they belong, e-mail addresses and address of one of the responsible at the end of the article). (Not more than 230 characters with spaces).
3. Summary: in the language in which the article is written. (Not more than 700 characters with spaces). In case the article is not in Spanish it is requested to include the abstract in the language of the article and in Spanish. For cases in which the article is written in Spanish language, the abstract should also be included in English.
4. Keywords: list of words that identify the themes of the article. The author must define between 3 to 6 keywords that help identify the content of the article. The keywords must be represented in uppercase and lowercase letters, separated by a period (eg: Motor activity.
5. References: documents used for the production of the text. The citations and complete references must be drafted in accordance with the standards of APA - American Phsycological Association (6a.ed). The library of the IUACJ, has incorporated in the blog (bibliotecaiuacj.blogspot.com) the mentioned rules for those who wish check them online. It is highlighted that it is compulsory to include in the work: the title, abstract and keywords in the language that the article was written and English. In the case of articles in English the second language will be spanish.

Journal History

The "University Journal of Physical Education and Sport" of the University Institute of Christian Youth Association (IUACJ), has been published since 2008 and is intended to disseminate original issues of national and international interest (not published in Uruguay) that contribute to the development Of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and areas related to the Human Movement. The original articles published in this journal have the authorization or endorsement of the author (s) for inclusion in the Institutional Repository of the IUACJ, through a non-exclusive distribution contract between both parties, contributing to socialization Of knowledge through its dissemination in open access.